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Denise Maher
Denise Maher
4 years ago

” Over time, regulars to the BenchMark become trained not to discuss anything sad, hard or upsetting, or anything that might be considered a “downer”.”

Thank you for putting the words out that have been in my head for years. I attended and ran Benchmarks for 4-5 years. I was not only pressured to act as if all about pleasurable living, but to lure women to take courses with RJ’s cult. I lost all sense of reality while living there. Thank you for your honesty.

Christine Acosta
Christine Acosta
4 years ago

Thank you, Denise! So good to have you home 🙂

4 years ago

Christine — every time I try to post, I get a message saying I am being suspected a bot. I promise I am human. 🙂

Last time, breaking up my post into several shorter ones seemed to work, so I’’ll try that again.

4 years ago


That was easily the most bizarre part of the evening, and that is saying something. The first one I attended (I only went to two), they started going around sharing withholds, first telling everyone to not be emotional and also not to react to what is said.

4 years ago

Everyone became stone faced and the room was filled with an inexplicable and socially awkward silence (I saw much more of this on display at the sensuality basics course).

And then the language — the words used being so specific and uniform, to the point that they corrected people if they didn’t say the words in the exact order … Inside me, red flags were waving all over the place.

When it was my turn, I felt completely put on the spot, so I said, “I guess I have a withhold to share with the whole group,” and they all asked me what it was I had to share … in that bizarre, unemotive, dead-inside robotic manner.

“I still don‘t understand the purpose of this game, it doesn’t feel like a game at all, and I am very uncomfortable right now.”

Not one person talked to me about what I said afterward. No one even acknowledged it.